Sunday, December 18, 2005

Poking fun at Ajax

I'm seeing the Web mutate and evolve before my very eyes! How much longer before we have computers that are running open source operating system whose single client application is a robust browser like Firefox ? Maybe already happening, let me know if you see something!

Around 2000 the big word was "portal" and currently we're seeing a resurgence of the notion of customized content "fed" to you.

Even in 1996, "push content" was a huge notion. My dad and I, however, didn't think people would just sit around watching their computers though. Turns out, we were right. As computers turn into media centers and media centers turn into computers ... well, you get the picture.

Nothing new under the sun? We'll. Revisit those hyped notions of yesteryear, give 'em a new name and new technology and voila!

Ok! Ok! Ok! I've got an idea but no time to implement it. So somebody oughta build an app that takes all the hype of the last 10 years and jumble it up into new hype.

For example, take the word "feed", "portal" and "javascript" and you have "Ajax"!"

Let's try it. Take the "VRML", "3-D" movement of 1995, add in, lets say, the "flash" explosion of 2000, add the "distance ed movement" and you have ... oh lets name it after another household product ... umm ... "Arm & Hammer"! No? "Mr. Clean"?

Ok! So the equation is: (descriptive word for getting or putting information) + (name for an entrance of some kind) + (Programming language) = household cleaning product

It needs some work! Help me out!

By the way, TechCrunch is just such a useful blog on this Web 2.0 subject that I'm going to add a link there on the right. Thanks TechCrunch!"



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